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Gardening To Relieve Stress

Many of us garden because we want to grow our own fruits and vegetables. It can be an attractive landscape or a brake goal for others. Gardening of any kind can also be therapeutic. For many people, gardening relaxes the mind, body, and spirit. Indeed, it is not gardening that is relaxing but the way you approach it. If gardening is perceived as a chore, it is stressful. If we see it as pleasant, it can help relieve stress.

Focusing on your gardening task is key to relieving stress. Digging, chopping, and tapping motions can relieve stress and tension. In some places, people bang dolls, hit pillows, or kick the air, but gardening moves relieve stress. Vigorous activities also provide an outlet for pent-up aggression. Intense activities are certainly not the only way to relieve stress.

Something as simple as a walk in the park could be just what the doctor ordered. As you walk around, be sure to soak up all the colors, scents and designs of the park. You can also admire your gardening skills and it will surely reverse stress into a state of well-being.

Here are some tips for stress-free gardening:

Make a short to-do list and stick to it. Don't try to do everything in the afternoon, evening or on weekends, as this can be stressful. Tackle yard work as hard as weightlifting, running or swimming.

Stop and rest periodically with some stretching and plenty of fluids. Listening to music while gardening can add a pleasant environment with the soothing effect of your favorite tunes. Teach your children to garden. Not only will they learn a skill for life, but they'll respect their time with you.

Stress is at an all time high in the society we live in today and is at the root of many illnesses and chronic diseases. Learn to fully tune your mind and reduce noise by having short moments of inner silence. If you don't have a yard or space to show off your gardening skills, volunteer! Many places offer horticultural therapy programs

Volunteers wanted. Schools, daycare, nursing homes and hospitals are great places to start your search for volunteers.

Gardening has many other benefits as well. Growing your own produce provides you with fresh fruits and vegetables for your summer meals. It's always a great way to share the harvest with your friends and family. What's better than homemade tomatoes from your own garden? Being in the sun for limited gardening times also provides you with vitamin D. Remember that moderation is key when you are in the sun.

Gardening usually requires a lot of bending and lifting. Doing it the wrong way can put a lot of stress on your lower back, so a good technique for planting or weeding is to squat. Place one knee on the floor instead of bending at the waist, alternating knees every few minutes. Kneel on a small pillow or buy knee pads that you can buy at a department store, hardware store, or garden store. Also be careful when lifting shrubs, bags of soil or trash. Try to keep your back straight and bend your knees. Use your legs instead of your back to lift the weight. Be careful not to twist your body and if something is too heavy to lift, wait for help. Gardening is a great way to relieve stress for all ages, but remember to do it safely and for the long term.

Gardening can not only become a stress reliever, but also a fulfilling hobby to share with friends and family.

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