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Houseplant Insect Control: Here Are The Methods of Prevention and Treatment

Ways to prevent Insects From Houseplants

Methods for preventing insects from houseplants include the following:

Providing suitable conditions that increase the strength of plant growth, because a tired plant is more susceptible to insects and diseases.

Examine the plant before bringing it home, to ensure that there are no pests and diseases on it beforehand.

Work to isolate the previously existing plants from the new plants for a period of 6 weeks; To ensure that they are free of pests, it is necessary to carefully examine the lower part of the leaves during the isolation period to ensure that there are no symptoms or signs of damage.

Use fresh soil prepared in a way rich in organic matter when growing houseplants instead of using spent soil, as the spent soil may carry disease pests.

Paying attention to the cleanliness of plants, especially the leaves. It is necessary to wash them with water every 2-3 weeks, to prevent the spread of pests and improve their appearance, while cleaning small plants by turning them in a bucket of water, gently moving their leaves, and then wrapping them with plastic wrap, while cleaning large plants by spraying them with pesticides. entomological.

Isolate flowers harvested from outdoor plants from indoor plants in a place far from them.

Ensure that there are no openings between doors and windows that could allow insects to enter the house and infect indoor plants.

Methods of treating houseplant insects

Plants can be treated and insect pests eliminated by natural remedial methods, most notably:

Methods of treating plant leaves from insects and pests

Among the most prominent of these methods:

  • Isolate infected plants from previous plants to prevent the spread of infection.
  • Sterilization and cleaning of the place containing infected plants using soap and water or rubbing alcohol, in addition to cleaning the pot of plants, under which some insect pests may hide.
  • Remove insects using a piece of cotton moistened with a type of rubbing alcohol and work to wipe the leaves thoroughly.
  • Use the appropriate insecticide, such as; Neem oil, horticultural oil, or hot pepper spray are great for long-term insect killing and getting rid of them.

Methods of plant treatment of small flying insects

Treatment of flying pests by using yellow sticky traps, or sticky pegs for house plants that capture flying insects and prevent them from flying and spreading. It is also possible to use a vacuum cleaner to absorb and capture flying insects well and get rid of a large number of them in a short time.

Methods of Treating Plants From Insects in The Soil

Among the most prominent of these methods:

  • Remove the top layer of soil and dispose of it away from home and replace it with a new soil cover of fine sand or natural top dressing.
  • Douse the soil with an organic pesticide. It is possible to use an organic insecticidal soap or a neem oil solution.
  • Irrigation with water according to the plant's need only.
  • Store unused soil in an airtight container to prevent insects from accessing the new soil.

Some Types of Houseplant Insects

Some insects and pests attack indoor indoor plants and cause an imbalance in their growth. Among the most common of these insects are the following:

  • Mealybugs: A class of mealybugs from scale insects, oval in shape, covered with dry hair, and when it infects plants, it absorbs the sources on which it feeds and from them; Water, sap produced by plants, and bugs live on the underside of the leaf and on some parts of the stems in the form of small colonies.
  • Aphids: They are very small insects, with a soft body and long multicolored antennae, including; White, brown, black, light green, and orange, they infect the stem and absorb the sap responsible for feeding the plant, and when they infect the plant, they make their leaves yellow and their flowers deformed.
  • Trips Insect: Small insects of small size, slender texture and dark color. They suck nourishing veins in each of the stems, leaves, flowers and new buds. When plants are infected with them, the leaves appear light green and dull.
  • Spider mite: These insects build their webs in a manner similar to the webs of an ordinary spider, and they form on the lower ends of the leaves and infect them with light-colored spots towards the upper surface of them. They are active in dry and hot seasons.
  • White flies: White flies are not at all similar to real flies and are named by this name because they are formed on the leaves with a fine white powder and belong to the family of mealy bugs and aphids. They suck the juices produced by plants and infect the leaves with a yellow color and lead to their fall.
  • Scale insects: They are oval-shaped insects that secrete waxy covers that take a scalloped shape. They feed on plant sap, which leads to yellowing of the leaves, and consequently to their falling and slowing their growth.

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