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All You Need to Know About Fertilizing Alfalfa

Alfalfa is one of the perennial plants that is grown for the purpose of feeding animals, because it contains minerals, vitamins, and protein at a higher rate than other fodders. It is also used as a medicinal herb to treat humans. Alfalfa belongs to the legume family. the world, and is characterized by its ability to withstand various weather factors; Such as heat, drought, and cold, However, it needs fertilization in order to obtain a higher product and high quality.

How To Fertilize Alfalfa

Alfalfa can be fertilized by following:

  • Soil test: This test aims to find out how much soil is fertile, and to determine the nutrients it needs.

Fertilization during cultivation:

Newly grown alfalfa needs phosphorous, potassium, and other phytonutrients right when it emerges.

  • The presence of a high percentage of fertilizer near the seeds during planting causes damage to the seedlings. Therefore, the fertilizers applied during planting must be placed at a distance from the seeds to avoid damage to the seedlings, but they must also be close enough to be effective, and it is preferable to apply fertilizers before planting if machines are not available to apply fertilizers accurately.
  • Phosphorus is the most important nutrient to be applied at the time of alfalfa cultivation; Because it has a great effect on increasing the strength of seedlings, in addition to fixing nitrogen in the plant, and improving the ability of young seedlings to survive during the winter.
  • Grafting alfalfa seeds with a suitable strain of Rhizobium bacteria: Rhizobium bacteria form nodules on the roots of the alfalfa plant, and the bacteria in these nodules convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that can be used by the plant; This process is called nitrogen fixation, which causes alfalfa to derive most of its nitrogen from nitrogen fixation without the need for nitrogen fertilizers.

Benefits of Fertilizing Alfalfa

There are many benefits of fertilizing alfalfa, and the following is detailed:

  • Fertilizing alfalfa as recommended increases yields with high levels and quality.
  • Fertilization provides soil fertility, which ensures the sustainability of the field.
  • Fertilizing alfalfa and providing an environment in which rhizobium bacteria can efficiently fix nitrogen ensures a high-protein crop. Since the crop does not need nitrogen fertilizers.

Tips For Fertilizing Alfalfa

Here are some tips when fertilizing a clover tree:

  • It is recommended to fertilize alfalfa with potassium annually after its first harvest, preferably in the month of August. To get a large product of alfalfa when harvested.
  • A soil test is advised to ensure that the required amount and types of nutrients are being applied to the soil to ensure a bountiful harvest.
  • The roots of the soil must be checked constantly; As diseased roots do not have the ability to obtain nutrients efficiently; Which will affect their growth and the growth of the crop.
  • Alfalfa crops are affected by the acidity of the soil, as low acidity levels affect the absorption of nutrients; Therefore, it is necessary to measure the pH levels of acidity in the soil, and it should not be less than 6.5, otherwise the crop will be greatly affected.

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