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Designing Your Rose Garden

Using landscaping roses can make the exterior of any home more graceful, fragrant and inviting. Choosing the right varieties to complement and accentuate the style and vision of the home will contribute to the success of your landscaping and rose garden.

Finding the perfect roses for your rose garden is not at all difficult due to the variety of rose varieties out there. The problem is choosing the right roses for your landscaping needs and the design you want to achieve.

Roses come in a number of seasons. Each class has characteristics that make them an excellent choice for use as landscape plants. If you want the roses to grow on a trellis, archway or cascading planters, large tea roses are the perfect choice. Tea roses are famous for their growing wildflowers and anyone who walks under the aisle enjoys a beautiful display of roses.

If a trellis is not available and you are looking to form a wall, choose a true climbing rose. The beauty of a real climbing rose allows you to train the plant into many different shapes and effects. Basically, you can train him however you want him to grow.

The Floribunda rose is a great choice when looking for a background color. Popular Floribunda rose cultivars bring all that color into landscapes with large, striking floral bouquets.

The versatile rose can also be used as a ground cover or planted in front of other plants to add color and accent. They can also be used as free-standing specimens and trained on a small tree or planted in hedges. Rugosa roses are a good choice for this. The purpose or effect of the rose is not the varieties or the ways it can be grown, but the colors it presents in the palette of living gardening. What gardeners want are healthy roses that appear in many sizes, styles, textures, colors and shapes. When considering the design of your rose garden, choose colors that complement the landscape around you. A simple arrangement of pink roses perfectly complements a stone, marble or driveway entryway. White tea roses make a stark contrast to a dark red brick house. Roses come in as many colors as they should

Be easy to find colors that complement and enhance any décor or landscaping you offer. Designing your own rose garden will be both exciting and challenging, to say the least.

Combine your favorite colors and mix patterns and textures for an interesting appeal.

Roses do well in a variety of temperature zones and climates, so be sure to choose cultivars suited to the region you live in. This translates to fewer maintenance issues, less pesticides and disease issues which generally promote a healthier rose garden.

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