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How to Grow a Lotus Flower: Useful and PracticalvTips

The lotus flower is classified from plants that follow the class of dicotyledons, and belongs to the Nemelia family of the genus Nelem, and its order is Protea, Its roots grow in the soil and its leaves and flowers grow on the surface of the water, it has a variety of shades of white to light pink, and it contains two leaves Two circles that float on the water, as the flower grows on the stem above the leaves, and its size ranges from small to large, with the width of its longest leaves up to 60 cm. It is native to South Asia and Australia.

Ways to grow lotus flower

Planting lotuses by tubers

The following are the steps to plant a lotus flower from tubers:

  • You will need to choose a deep container in which to grow the lotus tuber. This is because it will grow to the size of the pot, and to reduce the possibility of it growing outside the pot, it is preferable that it be 15.24 cm in width and depth, and that it does not contain any drainage holes in the bottom part.
  • Put a few centimeters of soil in the bottom of the pot and then put the soil on top. The depth also depends on the size of the pot. Avoid using potting soil, as it will float out of the pot, so use soil that contains clay.
  • Make a small space to plant the tuber, placing its roots down and growing up, and cover the tuber with more soil without tamping it down. Because this leads to cracking of the growth tips, then add water slowly to become moist, and make sure that there is no stagnant water on the soil, and to keep it warm if the weather is cold, using a heating pad.
  • If leaves start to grow, make sure they get as much sun as possible, and add a little water.
  • When moving the lotus flower to the pond, make sure the water temperature does not fall below 21 degrees Celsius, add more soil around the lotus plant, and be sure to cover the soil before submerging the pot in the pond.
  • The lotus flower should be placed in a place with full sun, the water should be relatively still, and the pot should be 15.2-30.5 cm below the surface of the water.
  • Prune the lotus plant if necessary; This is done by cutting the yellow stems and leaves with pruning shears, as they are susceptible to diseases.

Growing lotuses by seed

Here are the steps to grow the lotus flower by seeds:

  • Take a 11-19 gallon plastic pot about 6 inches deep to create enough room for a small lotus flower to grow and fill it with soil, preferably black plastic to retain heat to better warm the seedlings.
  • Place the seedlings in the water and remove them after they are about 6 inches (6 inches) tall. The seeds should start sprouting after 4-5 days of soaking.
  • Press the seeds into the soil about 4 inches (4 cm) apart without burying them. You can place them on top and cover them with a light layer of soil.
  • Place the container in 21°C water and 46 cm deep until they grow.

Factors that help the growth of the lotus flower

Here are the most important factors that the lotus flower needs to grow: 
  • Air temperature: The lotus flower lives in places where the wind is light or windless, as it grows and blooms in warm temperatures, so the air temperature should be 26.6 degrees Celsius.
  • Water temperature: The water temperature should not be less than 21°C as mentioned earlier.
  • Sunshine: The lotus flower needs full sun exposure to grow.
  • Fertilizer: The lotus flower is a heavy nutrient, so it needs fertilizer granules for its growth every season.

The most suitable species for home cultivation

Here are the most suitable types of lotus flower for home cultivation:
  • Angel Wings Lotus: The leaves of this type are very large, reaching 61 cm in size, and are round and light green, and the color of the petals of its flowers is white, and it does not need much water to grow, and this type is a hybrid, as it is suitable for cultivation in barrels and large lakes.
  • Momo Bhutan lotus: It can reach a height of 61 cm, as this type produces double flowers with pink petals, and the old ones remain open at night, and they can be placed in small ponds. 

Water the lotus flower

The lotus flower does not need a lot of water to grow, as some small species are satisfied with a few inches of water above the soil, while the larger species need 5-10 inches of water above the soil, so the water level and quality must be monitored, and you should use a pump To keep the water aerated, purified, and circulating, which maintains pH balance and keeps surface pests such as mosquitoes away.

Other information about lotus flower cultivation

How to extract seeds and prepare them for planting

Here are the steps to prepare lotus seeds for planting:
  • You have to slit, scratch or scrape the surface of the seeds to reveal the white flesh in order to allow the water to get inside.
  • Then place the seeds in water that is 21°C or higher for several days or weeks in a row, and if there is any slight difference in the water temperature, the seeds may take longer to germinate.
  • The water should be replaced on a daily basis to prevent bacterial growth and to maintain a clean environment for the seeds.
  • After the seedlings begin to produce young leaves, you can plant them outside.

The most suitable times to plant the lotus flower

The lotus flower needs warm temperatures to grow, so the best time to plant it is in the spring and summer when the temperatures are high. This is to provide the appropriate environment for the growth and blooming of lotus flowers.

Soil characteristics suitable for lotus flower cultivation

You can buy special pond soil, or use heavy topsoil or clay. Don't use garden soil mixes or soil that has a lot of algae or a lot of organic matter. This is because it will float on the surface of the water, and soil that contains a lot of organic matter will cause rotting of newly planted seeds or tubers.

Fertilizers stimulate the growth of the lotus flower

It is preferable to use a good soluble fertilizer of 4-8 grams, depending on the size of the pot, once every 20 days. Hydroponic plant fertilizer such as fertilizer 10-14-18 is the best type suitable for the growth of the lotus flower, whether it is the fast or slow type.

Diseases that may affect the lotus flower and their treatment

Here are some common diseases of the lotus flower:

  • Leaf spot: It consists of oval-shaped spots and a long strip that appears in light reddish-brown color surrounded by a green circle, then these spots enlarge to become irregular spots with the appearance of black spots over the original spots, and it can be prevented by selecting disease-free seeds and removing disease residues. Manage and protect by balancing fertilization, avoiding water buildup, and spraying fungicides.
  • Inflammation: As this disease leads to damage to the leaves, stems and petals, and they become distorted and twisted with red spots.
  • Rot: The symptoms of this disease appear when the leaves begin to form brown edges and begin to wilt. To alleviate the symptoms, cut and dispose of the damaged parts.

How to harvest the lotus plant

Wait until the flowers have faded in early fall to start harvesting. Remove the pot from the water, cut the stems, then dig up the roots and set aside whatever you want to grow next spring. The roots are replantable for at least 50 years if you keep them in a cool, dark place. The remaining roots you can Keeping it in the refrigerator and using it in many recipes to cook it.

lotus flower care tips

Here are the most important tips for preserving the lotus flower:

  • The roots of the lotus flower must be taken care of for its growth, so make sure it does not freeze by making sure that the water covers it.
  • If yellow leaves appear during the fall, you should cut them off to allow the flower to sink under the water.
  • Fertilize and apply fertilizer sparingly in the first year of flower cultivation, and then fertilize every 3-4 weeks each growing season.

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